When sand obstructs production, We bring the Remedy

One the most common reasons that a well's production drops is sand build up. It settles, piles up, and creates bridges, disrupting your production flow. While we do offer coiled tubing clean out tools, it is not always the right method to get your well back online as it requires sufficient circulation to surface or costly n2 to aid lift. Sand bailers time proven method that has been used not only to remove sand, but also run in addition with junk baskets to fish stator rubber and other debris from the wellbore.
Our 3-1/4" (82.5mm) OD high-performing sand bailers are ideal in cleaning out wells in an efficient and cost effective manner. With a simplified design that has been perfected over the past 25 years they pump more volume of sand per stroke than the competition and have been known to work in the heaviest of sandy sludge.
Even in horizontal wells our sand bailers have proven themselves successful, bailing to depths of upto 2,500m sideways (4,000m TD). All of our accessories (Drains, Check Valves, Shear Subs) are beveled to prevent hanging up when run inside liners with frac port systems installed.
We offer larger bailers such as 3-3/4" (95.25mm) OD and 4-1/4" (107.95mm) OD which are great options if you are looking to bail in larger size casings, and all the accessories for chambered bailing or pump to surface.